We are happy to announce that all Pelorus users now have access to an ADSB live flight tracking layer. Used in combination with other Pelorus layers including aviation chart layers, the ADSB layer can help build situational awareness of the skies over an incident or event.
We are extremely excited to introduce DEN Chat! Today an update is available on all DEN Cases that will offer new chat capabilities. DEN Chat is based on the popular open source Rocket.Chat software and has been streamlined for public safety use. Like all other software on DEN, it is accessible locally through the DEN Wifi network and over the Internet.
DEN Chat can be used for securely communicating with team members, logging events, and sharing information. During incidents, exercises, and special events, incident management teams are faced with a deluge of information. DEN Chat helps incident management teams digest and share information by separating it into different channels. Each channel is like a chat room. Users in a channel can talk to each other and share files, video, and audio. Access to channels can be controlled to only allow specified users for a private and secure environment, or expanded to all users so that updates can be easily broadcast to a large number of people.
In addition to information entered directly into DEN Chat, information can be automatically pulled from a variety of outside sources including various CAD systems, National Weather Service watches and warnings, news feeds, and much more.
DEN Chat is connected to Raptor so there is no need to create new user accounts or logins. Once the update is complete, a new button will appear under the “Services” menu labeled “DEN Chat”. Clicking this button will launch the application. No setup required – just start creating channels and sharing information!